Kim celebrated a milestone birthday and we threw a big party!  All the kids she has been working with and their families, four kids – now grown up – from her ministry in Phnom Penn came up to help her celebrate, personal friends and fellow Alliance international workers, Dr Harry & Faith.  The kids sang worship songs in both english and Vietnamese.  Even we sang a song and I have to admit, we should have won the best song competition 🙂  It was such a testament to Kim’s work in this neighbourhood to see so many families come and laugh and have a good time.  It was great for them to see their kids worshiping the Lord in song as well.  Tomorrow is another day of early morning sports with the kids then afternoon V.B.S. with our lesson being Love Your Enemies.

Thank you for your continued prayers for the team – for physical safety & health and for spiritual protection for both the team and our families back home – they are needed and appreciated.  Here are a few more pictures of a great evening.


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